Sashimi of monkfish and glasswort

Ingredients and preparation



Marinated monkfish

240 g monkfish  

120 ml beetroot juice

20 g horseradish 

20 ml white soya

12 ml lime juice


Pickled radish   


40 ml red wine vinegar

40 ml sugar water


Glasswort puree  

40 ml cream

40 g glasswort

160 ml milk

2 g agar

0.5 g salt


Roughly chop the glasswort. Warm the cream with the milk and add the chopped glasswort. Leave to infuse for 1 hour and strain using a fine sieve. Add the agar and briefly boil it. Cool again and blend until fine, strain through a fine sieve. Season with salt. Put in a squeeze bottle. Mix all the ingredients for the marinade and marinate the monkfish in it for at least 4 hours. Combine the sugar water with the red wine vinegar and pour this over the radishes. Pat the monkfish dry and slice it into sashimi. Reduce the marinade and pass through a fine sieve. Finish the dish with the glasswort puree, quinoa, glasswort and pickled radishes.




Chefs: June & Patrick Gobert

Pictures  : Bart Tanghe


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